When you present your product’s Positioning to others, can they see it?
(“Position” reflects the way your product delivers value to customers that is different from competitors. It’s the center-point of your feature decisions and how you are marketing and selling.)
Your stakeholders really need to understand and buy-in to your positioning. You can make it very clear to all by using a quadrant diagram to visually depict your product’s distinctive position from that of the competition. When they can literally see what you’re talking about, your audience will say: “Ah Ha!”
Here’s how:
Pick Two Key Product Attributes
This can be whatever is important to your market- e.g.: cost, ease of use, integration, performance, ROI, quality, security, etc. (These are general examples, but you want to use whatever attributes are really key to your market.)
Rate the Products
Pick your (1-4) most important competitors and rate each on the two, different attributes (scale 1-10).
Likewise, rate your product.
Set-up the Diagram
Put one attribute on the X axis and the other on the Y axis
Plot your product and the competitor products on the quadrant diagram.
Do you overlap with competitors? If so, identify alternative key attributes where you don’t. (If you can’t come up with any, it’s time to rethink your product. You need distinctiveness that matters to your market.)
Conducting a workshop is a great way to get results quickly:
Jumpstart the process: Send me Positioning Workshop Information